Christmas In London: A New Beginning

Megan Arangure (Weber)
3 min readDec 16, 2020


It’s been a year, but Christmas love is in the air again!

Almost a year had passed since Kennedy and Greyson had met in “Cuckoo Coffee.” Over the past year, they had started dating and a lot of their dates took place at “Cuckoo Coffee.” But they also took the time to go and explore with each other. Kennedy had never traveled so much before in her life. They went everywhere from Ireland to Italy and even to France. It was Christmas time again and Kennedy’s flat was completely different than last year. Every inch was festive and ready for Christmas. She had even bought a proper tree for this year.

Christmas was just around the corner again as Greyson and Kennedy started planning what they were going to do. There were so many things they could do this time of year, but one of the main things that Kennedy wanted to do was go to a Christmas Market. When Kennedy told Greyson this, he knew exactly where to take her. They went to “Winter Wonderland” in Hyde Park.

“Kennedy, there is a great Christmas Market that we can go to this weekend in Hyde Park. You will love it.”

He said when they were sitting in “Cuckoo Coffee” planning their weekend.

“That’s amazing! Greyson, I think this Christmas is going to be even better than last year!” Kennedy said with a smile on her face as she took a sip of her peppermint hot chocolate.

Little did Kennedy know, this was truly going to be an amazing Christmas.

As they sat at their usual table sipping their drinks, both Kennedy and Greyson looked at each other, at different points, so the other didn’t see. In the warm light of the coffee shop, they both knew that they had found their person. As usual, they stayed at their table talking and laughing until “Cuckoo Coffee” closed. As they walked back towards Kennedy’s flat, a light snow started to fall as they walked closer to each other, hands clasped together.

When they reached Kennedy’s flat, Greyson walked her to her door and gave her a kiss goodnight. “Have a wonderful night.” He said after he had kissed her. Kennedy watched Greyson walk off as little snowflakes fell and rested on the trees and ground. She went inside and started a fire and proceeded to sit in her windowsill and watch as the snow fell and covered the world in white. This was going to be Kennedy’s second white Christmas and her second Christmas in London. She still missed her family, but deep down inside she knew that this Christmas was going to be easier than last year, especially since she had Greyson.

Stay tuned for the next episode to see Greyson and Kennedy at the Christmas Market. As well as, to see what special surprises that this Christmas season might hold for Kennedy.

